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An Experienced Juvenile Offense Lawyer In Mercer County

An Experienced Juvenile Offense Lawyer In Mercer County

Photo – morgue file

If your child is charged with a juvenile offense, or you yourself are under 18 and trying to find out more about your situation, you’ve come to the right place. Juvenile crimes can leave families with a lot of questions. As a juvenile or a parent, you are probably wondering what kind of punishment the offense will lead to and what is the best way to handle the situation.

Juvenile cases are often treated differently than adult cases. The law tends to aim towards rehabilitating offenders under the age of 18 instead of putting them in jail. This means it is a very specific area of law and should be handled by a professional.

Mark Catanzaro is a juvenile offense attorney in Mercer County you can trust to handle your case with expertise. He cares about the wellbeing of his clients and gives them fair and cost-effective representation.

Understanding Juvenile Offenses

As a Mercer County juvenile offenses lawyer, Mark Catanzaro wants to help you understand the basics of your situation. There are many different kinds of juvenile crimes, so Mr. Catanzaro has come up with a list of the most common ones, as well as general information to help you become familiar with this type of crime.

The most common types of juvenile crimes, offenses and violations include the following:

Vandalism: This refers to tagging and graffiti, keying a car or drawing on public restrooms.
Theft: This includes shoplifting or other petty theft such as stealing a bike or items from school.
Underage Drinking Violations: Drinking under the age of 21 is illegal.
Simple Assault: Many times juveniles are involved in fights or bullying at school. Simple assault also includes physical violence against a parent.
Marijuana and Tobacco: The possession or smoking of marijuana, or the purchase and use of tobacco.
Criminal Trespass: Trespassing on vacant property or in a store from which you’ve been banned.
Disorderly Conduct: This can include cursing at a teacher, fighting in public or exposing yourself in public.

As mentioned, punishment for juvenile crimes is often more lenient than with adult crimes. Instead of jail time, punishment can include community service work, education and rehabilitation courses or sometimes just a small fine.

Some juvenile crimes such as homicide and grand theft are treated as adult crimes, in which case the punishment is more severe.

Your Trusted Mercer County Juvenile Offenses Attorney

If there are more questions you need answered, you can call the most trusted juvenile offense lawyer in Mercer County at (865) 235-4266 or fill out a contact form. He has been practicing law since 1985 and has the knowledge to get you the best results possible in your case. Mr. Catanzaro is a Mercy County juvenile offense attorney who’s tried over 100 cases to verdict and has experience in many different areas, so you can be sure your case will be in good hands.

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