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When You Need A New Jersey Cyberbullying Attorney

New Jersey Cyberbullying Attorney

In recent years, a unique form of harassment has begun occurring over the Internet and has come to be known as cyberbullying. If you or your child has been charged with a cyberbullying crime, it is very important that you retain a New Jersey cyberbullying attorney right away. There are many benefits to hiring a criminal defense attorney, but it is imperative to do so when you are facing these types of charges.

What Exactly Is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying can be difficult to define, but it usually is easy to spot. This term encompasses a broad range of threatening and/or harassing acts and behaviors conducted online, some of which include:

  • Threatening to do harm to a person or their property
  • Intending for someone to be fearful of physical or emotional harm through online comments, photos, posts, etc.
  • Threatening to commit a crime against another person or their property

A prosecutor must be able to prove intent. This means that they must show that the defendant intended to cause harm.

There is a fine line between prosecuting an individual for online harassment and infringing on someone’s right to freedom of expression. If there was no intent to harass or cause harm to another, it is the job of your New Jersey cyberbullying attorney to argue that you are protected by the First Amendment and cannot be punished for your speech or expression.

Additionally, the court must decide whether a fear of harm was reasonable. If someone is particularly sensitive to certain words or actions, more so than the reasonable person, your actions may not be seen as threatening.

Cyberbullying Charges and Consequences

Depending on the situation, there are different criminal charges one can face for cyberbullying.

Cyber Harassment is a fourth-degree crime – a disorderly persons offense often punishable by fines (up to $10,000), prison time (up to 18 months), or both.  Other possible charges include terroristic threats (3rd degree) and stalking (4th degree, or 3rd degree if aggravating circumstances are present).

Call Mark Catanzaro When You Need a Cyberbullying Attorney in New Jersey

Bullying can have serious consequences, even when done electronically. In the age of heightened social media use, the potential for cyberbullying increases. If you’ve been charged with a cyberbullying crime, it is in your best interest to immediately contact Mark Catanzaro – top-rated New Jersey cyberbullying attorney.

Attorney Catanzaro has over 30 years of experience in defending his clients and obtaining favorable results. He is familiar with New Jersey law and the court system, and he will fight to protect your rights!


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