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DUI’s and New Jersey Law: What You Need to Know

DUIs and New Jersey Law

In order to obey the laws, you need to know the laws. For DUI cases, an ignorance plea will not hold up in court. So it’s important to readily know some basic information about DUI’s and New Jersey law so that you can keep yourself and the other drivers out there safe. This is especially true since many states are dishing out heavier sentences against driving under the influence. With that in mind, here’s some important information you need to know about DUI’s and New Jersey law.

Blood-Alcohol Level

First, your blood-alcohol level (or BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol in your blood. It measures the percent of your blood that is concentrated with alcohol. In New Jersey, DUI laws state that if your BAC rises to or above 0.08 while you’re driving, you are legally driving under the influence. Therefore, it’s essential to know when you’ve crossed the legal limit. Because, even though you might not feel drunk, that won’t matter if you’re actually over the limit. Check out this helpful chart so that you can know how many drinks it’ll take you until you’ve crossed 0.08.


Second, New Jersey DUI laws cover a wide range of specific incidents – from refusing to take a breath test to possessing an open container of alcohol in your vehicle. They don’t just cover your level of intoxication while driving. Here are just a few consequences…

  • First offense for having a BAC of 0.08 to 0.10 includes: fine of $250 to $450, up to 30-day imprisonment, 3-month license suspension, insurance surcharge of $1000 per year for 3 years, and two days of classes at an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center.
  • 2nd offense of the same includes: fine of $500 to $1000, imprisonment from 2 to 90 days, 2-year license suspension, 30 days of community service, insurance surcharge of $1000 per year for 3 years, and installation of an ignition interlock device for 1 to 3 years after license restoration.
  • 3rd offense of the same includes: $1000 fine, 180-day imprisonment, 10-year license suspension, detainment in an in-patient alcoholism treatment program, 30 days of community service, insurance surcharge of $1500 a year for 3 years, and installation of an ignition interlock device for a 1 to 3 years after license restoration.

For more details on the consequences under DUI’s and New Jersey law, click here.

Find the Right Lawyer for DUI’s and New Jersey Law

Finally, if you’re fighting a DUI charge, you need the right lawyer to represent you. After all, facing this charge alone can be tough. Consider Mark Catanzaro! He’s spent 30 years battling cases just like yours so reach out to him today!


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