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Charges & Consequences of Stalking

It’s important to recognize the seriousness of stalking charges and the impact they can have on individuals’ lives. Stalking is a criminal offense that involves unwanted and repeated harassment or surveillance of another person. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of stalking, the varying degrees of severity, the potential charges and consequences that can arise from such charges.

Defining Stalking

Stalking encompasses a range of behaviors that instill fear and distress in the victim. It can involve unwanted contact, surveillance, following, and threats, both in person and through various forms of communication. Stalking can occur in different contexts, such as domestic relationships, workplaces, or online platforms, and can vary in intensity from less severe to more extreme cases.

Degrees of Stalking

Stalking can be classified into different degrees based on the level of threat and harm inflicted upon the victim. These degrees may vary depending on the jurisdiction, but generally include:

  1. Misdemeanor Stalking: In less severe cases, stalking charges may be classified as a misdemeanor. This typically involves behaviors that cause emotional distress or fear, but without significant physical harm or threats of violence. Misdemeanor stalking charges can result in fines, probation, mandatory counseling, and potential restraining orders.
  2. Felony Stalking: Felony stalking charges typically involve more extreme behaviors that pose a significant threat to the victim’s safety and well-being. This can include instances where the stalker has a prior criminal history, engages in persistent harassment, or resorts to acts of violence or threats. Felony stalking charges can lead to substantial fines, imprisonment, mandatory counseling, and the issuance of long-term restraining orders.

Charges and Consequences

Stalking charges can lead to various legal consequences, such as:

  1. Criminal Penalties: Individuals convicted of stalking can face criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. The severity of these penalties depends on the degree of stalking and the specific circumstances surrounding the case.
  2. Protective/Restraining Orders: Stalking victims may seek protection through restraining orders, also known as protective orders. These orders prohibit the stalker from contacting or coming near the victim, ensuring their safety and providing legal recourse if the order is violated.
  3. Criminal Record and Future Implications: A stalking conviction can result in a permanent criminal record, which can have far-reaching consequences. It may impact future employment opportunities, housing prospects, and personal relationships. 

Contact Catanzaro Law

Stalking is a serious offense that can cause substantial distress and harm to victims. Here at Catanzaro Law, our defense attorneys understand the complexities surrounding stalking charges and are committed to protecting the rights and well-being of our clients. If you or someone you know is facing stalking charges, it is essential to consult with an experienced defense attorney who can provide guidance, build a strong defense, and explore potential outcomes such as restraining orders. Contact us today for a free consultation and trust us to provide the support and defense you need!


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