by Mark Catanzaro
on October 23, 2020
Fair contract negotiations can be exhausting. Between defining terms, expressing your wants and needs, nailing down the fine details - who has the patience for it all? If you want a fair contract negotiation, then you need someone who can take a stand for your rights, but also can convince the other side to see it [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on February 14, 2020
In New Jersey, in order to properly unionize and defend your labor rights, you need a union attorney who knows how to defend your rights. If you’ve already unionized and need to file a grievance, you need to find the best New Jersey union attorney to protect you. Thankfully, Mark Catanzaro has the breadth of [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on August 10, 2018
Filing a union grievance against your employer can be daunting and frightening. Should you endure this process? What if your grievance is not valid? What does the collective bargaining agreement say? How do I navigate all of this complex legal stuff? Who will defend my rights? While all of these are legitimate concerns, they should [...]