by Mark Catanzaro
on November 15, 2019
We’ve talked about tips to avoid a DUI before, as well as what to do about a DUI conviction. But what about breathalyzer laws in New Jersey? If you get pulled over and an officer wants you to take a breathalyzer test, what can you do? Can you say no? Will anything bad happen if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 25, 2019
Behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman has done extensive work on the factors that shape human decision making. In his most famous book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, he distinguishes between two systems in the brain. System 1 consists of fast, automatic, intuitive thinking. We use it to solve simple math problems or understand simple sentences. On the [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 11, 2019
Do you remember that movie Catch Me If You Can? If you don’t think forgery or fraud comes with serious penalties, watch that movie. defines forgery as “the crime of creating a false document, altering a document, or writing a false signature for the illegal benefit of the person making the forgery.” Consequently, if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 4, 2019
You may not think of stealing and theft as a major crime if the person didn’t steal a ton of money. However, even crimes described as petty theft, like stealing a t-shirt, can leave you with permanent criminal charges. Thus, if you’ve been accused of theft, you need a competent theft attorney to defend your [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on September 13, 2019
You might be the safest driver on the road, but one little mistake can get you a traffic ticket. These not only include fines of $150 and up, but they can also add points to your license! Too many points and you'll get your license revoked. Who can afford that? So if you want to [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on August 22, 2019
So we’ve covered plausible deniability, reasonable doubt, habeas corpus, and mens rea. But there’s plenty more basic legal jargon to cover! However, not all of it deserves its own post. So let’s knock out some of the more basic ones, shall we? In this week’s post, we’ll cover terms like plaintiff, defendant, motion, ruling, and [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on August 16, 2019
“Mens rea.” Maybe you’ve heard that term thrown around involving your case. Maybe you remember it from this scene in Legally Blonde (2001). What is mens rea? What does it have to do with the law? What significance might it play in your case? As we continue our Mark W. Catanzaro blog series on legal [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on June 28, 2019
If you’re facing a DUI conviction, then you don’t have the time or resources to mess around. After all, you could face jail time and hefty fines. So, maybe you went into the case without legal representation because you thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. However, now you face serious charges and feel like [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on June 21, 2019
As Independence Day approaches, you can bet police and state troopers are preparing for DUI arrests. Every holiday there seems to be a spike. You may think you’re fine after a couple drinks in, only to be pulled over and discover you’re actually over the legal limit. How can you avoid a DUI? Below you’ll [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on May 24, 2019
Last week we covered a few common fraud scams. For your knowledge and safety, we’ve decided to cover a few more. So here are few other fraud scams you need to watch out for. First, you get an email from a woman in a foreign country looking for companionship. Maybe the email even comes with [...]