by Mark Catanzaro
on February 14, 2022
For a country with such an intricate system of checks and balances designed to neutralize undue power, the existence of an executive pardon power may seem odd; it may even seem archaic. But things aren’t always what they seem, and there’s more to this fascinating form of clemency than first meets the eye. Curious about [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on January 31, 2022
Immeasurable amounts of time, money and effort have been poured into the creation and implementation of laws at the city, state and federal levels. In legal matters, there’s truly nothing that hasn’t been considered; the severity of punishment for a crime is anything but arbitrary. However, there will always be controversy surrounding criminal matters, their [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on January 14, 2022
The voluntary, unlawful taking of a human life is considered to be among the most heinous of crimes. While countless films, tv shows, news stories and videogames have desensitized the populace to murder and other criminal forms of homicide, the genuine article is as tragic and terrible as it ever was. Though different states often [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on January 6, 2022
How long should past mistakes cause a penitent person to suffer? Is a system that shuts out those with a criminal record encouraging improvement or repeat offenders? If you have a criminal record, you’ve likely wrestled with these troubling thoughts and harsh realities. The good news is this: for many of you, there’s hope to [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on January 4, 2022
Living with a criminal record in New Jersey can feel overwhelming and devastating; a blemished record can turn even the simplest procedures into drawn out difficulties. Job applications, housing opportunities and even educational advancement can be hampered by an unclean record. But errors of the past don’t have to be life sentences, and exploring expungement [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on November 22, 2019
Last year, we gave you some basic tips for controlling road rage. Again, we all know the feeling. Someone cuts us off on the highway, nearly hits us because of an illegal move, or recklessly tailgates us. How infuriating! For most of us, it’s nothing more than a short burst of frustration. Yet for some [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on November 15, 2019
We’ve talked about tips to avoid a DUI before, as well as what to do about a DUI conviction. But what about breathalyzer laws in New Jersey? If you get pulled over and an officer wants you to take a breathalyzer test, what can you do? Can you say no? Will anything bad happen if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 25, 2019
Behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman has done extensive work on the factors that shape human decision making. In his most famous book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, he distinguishes between two systems in the brain. System 1 consists of fast, automatic, intuitive thinking. We use it to solve simple math problems or understand simple sentences. On the [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 11, 2019
Do you remember that movie Catch Me If You Can? If you don’t think forgery or fraud comes with serious penalties, watch that movie. defines forgery as “the crime of creating a false document, altering a document, or writing a false signature for the illegal benefit of the person making the forgery.” Consequently, if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on October 4, 2019
You may not think of stealing and theft as a major crime if the person didn’t steal a ton of money. However, even crimes described as petty theft, like stealing a t-shirt, can leave you with permanent criminal charges. Thus, if you’ve been accused of theft, you need a competent theft attorney to defend your [...]