by Mark Catanzaro
on March 12, 2021
As places begin to open up, people are going out more and more. Meeting friends at the bar for the first time in a long time brings cause for celebration. But it doesn't justify drinking and driving. You may think you’re fine after a couple drinks in, only to be pulled over and discover you’re [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on November 15, 2019
We’ve talked about tips to avoid a DUI before, as well as what to do about a DUI conviction. But what about breathalyzer laws in New Jersey? If you get pulled over and an officer wants you to take a breathalyzer test, what can you do? Can you say no? Will anything bad happen if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on June 21, 2019
As Independence Day approaches, you can bet police and state troopers are preparing for DUI arrests. Every holiday there seems to be a spike. You may think you’re fine after a couple drinks in, only to be pulled over and discover you’re actually over the legal limit. How can you avoid a DUI? Below you’ll [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on August 2, 2018
“Innocent until proven guilty” is a foundational principle in our country’s legal system, and it holds even when you are stopped by police. After all, your rights are protected by BOTH the US Constitution AND the New Jersey State Constitution. Having a New Jersey police misconduct attorney with a thorough understanding of your rights by [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on April 19, 2018
Being charged with a DUI in New Jersey is nothing to take lightly. This is a very serious offense. Not only could you receive harsh penalties right away, but a conviction could impact your life for years and years. Some people mistakenly think they are capable of driving home after a few drinks. However, if [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on March 30, 2018
There is zero tolerance in New Jersey for driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is a serious criminal offense; but it is even more substantial when the person is underage. The legal age for alcohol is 21 years old. It might surprise you to hear that there are actually a few [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on March 8, 2018
Drinking and driving do not mix – everyone knows that. No one plans to get a DUI. But if you’ve found yourself in this situation for the first time (or the second or third), you may have some questions. You need a Trenton DUI lawyer to answer all your questions and represent you in your [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on January 18, 2018
Getting convicted of a DUI in New Jersey comes with serious consequences that could follow you the rest of your life. That’s why it is important to take certain steps to prevent a conviction as soon as you can. Hiring an experienced New Jersey DUI attorney will help make this possible. If you were arrested [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on December 7, 2017
Nothing can ruin your day like receiving a traffic ticket. There are many types of traffic offenses, such as texting while driving, road rage, driving through a red light, speeding, DUIs, and more. While you definitely have the option of just pleading guilty and paying the fine, you also have other options available to you [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on November 10, 2017
A lot of people have the general attitude that DUI offenses aren’t really all that bad. It doesn’t make you a bad person, right? No, it doesn’t make you a bad person. In fact, most times drivers truly feel that they are under the legal limit when they get behind the wheel. However, it is [...]