by Mark Catanzaro
on November 9, 2018
“Innocent until proven guilty.” This principle forms the foundation for our criminal justice system. In any criminal trial, the burden of proof rests on the prosecution to demonstrate guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt." But what does that phrase mean? The following is a brief summary from Mark Catanzaro. Here he defines “beyond a reasonable doubt” [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on August 2, 2018
“Innocent until proven guilty” is a foundational principle in our country’s legal system, and it holds even when you are stopped by police. After all, your rights are protected by BOTH the US Constitution AND the New Jersey State Constitution. Having a New Jersey police misconduct attorney with a thorough understanding of your rights by [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on February 22, 2018
During a criminal trial, both the prosecution and the defense offer evidence to support their arguments. But just because certain evidence may be accurate or truthful does not always mean it’s admissible in court. If your Trenton criminal defense attorney believes that the State should not be permitted to admit certain evidence, he can file [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on February 16, 2018
Many households today have at least one computer. With the majority of homes having access to the internet, personal information stored on those computers can become vulnerable to cybercrime. Criminal activity involving theft of computer related property or services has risen significantly in the past few years. If you’ve been charged with computer theft or [...]
by Mark Catanzaro
on December 11, 2015
Image - Morguefile The term “white-collar crime” may not be part of your everyday vocabulary, but as a citizen of this country, it’s important to understand this type of crime. White-collar crime refers to nonviolent crimes committed by business or government professionals who are usually usually motivated by some sort of financial gain. In layman’s [...]
by Mark
on November 19, 2015
Photo - morgue file If your child is charged with a juvenile offense, or you yourself are under 18 and trying to find out more about your situation, you’ve come to the right place. Juvenile crimes can leave families with a lot of questions. As a juvenile or a parent, you are probably wondering what [...]
by Mark
on September 18, 2015
Forgery is the act of producing a copy of a signature, document, banknote, or work of art. As a teenager, you may have forged your parent’s signature to get out of school early. If you got caught, the consequences may have seemed severe, but in reality, they were nothing compared to forging a document with [...]
by Mark
on September 11, 2015
Both the federal government and individual states have many laws surrounding fraudulent activity. Have you been charged with a fraud crime? Your case could be considered a state crime or a federal crime, depending on the circumstances. Or you could be in violation of both a state and federal crime, and you could be prosecuted [...]
by Mark
on September 4, 2015
Photo credit: Tamil Goose Have you been accused of tax evasion or tax fraud, or are you facing an audit? Tax evasion charges are usually a result of: overstating expenses or deductions, not declaring all of your income, or failing to file tax returns when you have taxable income. If you’ve been charged with tax [...]